ebXML registry -- Sun/open-source XML registry

Norman Gray norman at astro.gla.ac.uk
Tue Oct 28 06:01:16 PST 2003


The following was mentioned in the Cover pages.  Might this, as an
emerging standard, be of interest to the folk developing the registry?
I've heard of this ebXML effort, but don't know any details.

I don't believe this has been mentioned on the registry list before.
However I'm not sure: is there any way of searching the list archives?


A communiqué from Farrukh Najmi (Sun
Microsystems) describes a new production-ready release of ebXML
Registry software from the OASIS ebXML Registry Reference
Implementation Project (ebxmlrr). As part of the freebXML Initiative,
the ebxmlrr project is chartered to deliver a "royalty free, open
source, functionally complete reference implementation for the OASIS
ebXML Registry specifications as defined by the OASIS ebXML Registry
Technical Committee."


An XML registry/repository is a critical piece of infrastructure for
organizations to increase the efficiency of their business. The XML
registry/repository is a versatile tool which helps to given
employees, customers, and partners (internally and externally)
scaleable, searchable, customizable, and secure role based access to
critical information using standard protocols. The repository can
store XML, web services, or any other type of data, and the registry
manages the entire life cycle of information in the repository using
sophisticated meta-data technology.

See <http://xml.coverpages.org/ni2003-09-17-a.html>, which gives
further rationale and references.

Norman Gray                        http://www.astro.gla.ac.uk/users/norman/
Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, UK     norman at astro.gla.ac.uk

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