[Media] Media group/CSP/Exec telecon reminder ... Thu (May10) @15:00 UTC

Deborah Baines dbaines at sciops.esa.int
Thu May 10 18:26:56 CEST 2018

Dear Chenzhou,

We discussed this in the telecon and I'll be happy to give a summary 
talk on the Media Group activities. I also have a request: can the 
session be moved to Thursday morning as I need to catch my flight from 
Victoria in the late afternoon? If it's not possible I'd like to ask for 
my talks to be first at 14:00! Are you happy for me to ask for the move, 
and in which case I'll send an email to Pat?

Many thanks,

On 10/05/18 15:04, Chenzhou CUI wrote:
> Dear Media group,
> Now I collected 4 talks for the Interop Education& Media session:
> Speaker 	Title 	Institute
> Giulia Iafrate 	Citizen science experiments in the classroom, in the 
> framework of the Asterics project 	INAF
> Chenzhou Cui 	Experiences and lessions learned from the last 10 years 
> of WWT EPO applications in China 	NAOC (China-VO)
> Deborah Baines 	Teaching Astronomy with ESASky 	ESAC(ESA-VO)
> Shanshan Li 	Experiences and lessons learned from China-VO in public 
> communication by social media 	NAOC (China-VO)
> It would be great if one or two talks can be contributed from the 
> Media group.
> BTW, I can't attend to the telecon tonight.
> Cheers,
> Chenzhou
> On 2018/5/10 5:44, Janet Evans wrote:
>> Dear Media Group, Bruno (CSP lead) and Exec -
>> Here’s a reminder of the Media group telecon scheduled for tomorrow - May 10.
>>>> Media group/CSP/Exec telecon - Thu, May 10 @15:00 UTC
>> The WebEx info is appended below.
>> Here are the open/working actions we’ll review:
>>   o Action 70-3: Media group – Take first steps to organize what needs to be done with regard to Web Pages – WORKING
>>   o Action 70-4: Media Group/CSP – Coordinate and report to the Exec with a proposal to address the IVOA Web Portal.
>>   o Action 69-2: Media Group/PF/MA/FG – Review/update IVOA Top Web page for content (exec member input) and addition of new media attributes (e.g., twitter, FB) by media group.
>> I suggest the following agenda:
>>    o Review Actions
>>    o Open discussion
>>    o Followup in Victoria??
>>    o AOB
>> Best regards,
>> -janet
>> https://sao.webex.com/sao/j.php?MTID=mc0c05f01c8cd03dc2191edba122f1231
>> Meeting number (access code): 857 527 595
>> Host key: 212358
>> Meeting password: IVOA2018
>> 1-877-668-4493 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)
>> 1-650-479-3208 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)
>> Global call-in numbers:
>> https://sao.webex.com/sao/globalcallin.php?serviceType=MC&ED=407019153&tollFree=1
>> Toll-free dialing restrictions:
>> https://www.webex.com/pdf/tollfree_restrictions.pdf
>> Can't join the meeting? Contact support here:
>> https://sao.webex.com/sao/mc
>> IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that this WebEx service allows audio and other information sent during the session to be recorded, which may be discoverable in a legal matter. You should inform all meeting attendees prior to recording if you intend to record the meeting.
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>> media mailing list
>> media at ivoa.net
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> -- 
> ===============================================================
> Chenzhou Cui
> National Astronomical Observatory | Tel: +86-10-64872500
> Chinese Academy of Sciences       | FAX: +86-10-64888708
> 20A Datun Road, Chaoyang District | Email:ccz at bao.ac.cn
> Beijing 100101, China             | WWW:www.lamost.org/~cb
> ===============================================================
> _______________________________________________
> media mailing list
> media at ivoa.net
> http://mail.ivoa.net/mailman/listinfo/media

QUASAR Science Resources for ESA - European Space Agency

Dr. Deborah Baines
Astronomy Archives Science Lead

ESAC Science Data Centre (ESDC)
Data and Engineering Division
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European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC)
European Space Agency (ESA)

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deborah.baines at sciops.esa.int | www.esa.int
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