[Media] VO handouts -- what tools/services to highlight? Draft for **Dec 19**

Budynkiewicz, Jamie Anne jbudynkiewicz at cfa.harvard.edu
Mon Dec 18 22:18:55 CET 2017


Thanks for the inputs. I'll go with the "general" approach as you pinned as
the better idea.

On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 2:57 PM, Bruce Berriman <GBB at ipac.caltech.edu>

> Hi Jamie
> Please see notes below.
> =Bruce
> On Dec 18, 2017, at 7:54 AM, Budynkiewicz, Jamie Anne <
> jbudynkiewicz at cfa.harvard.edu> wrote:
> Hi Bruce,
> Thanks for the inputs. And totally understandable Hmm... didn't think of
> the time restraints for booth materials.  And making sure all IVOA partner
> institutes' efforts are somehow contained in that handout. Good things to
> keep in mind.
> Concerning the booth materials problem, we could still at least hand them
> out at the Student Reception on Monday night.  If an institute or person
> wants to take some anyway, they could print out some copies (or grab some
> from us).
> Concerning what's on the handout, we could make the information more
> general than a list of useful tools and services.  We could provide a link
> to the Tools page on ivoa.net (making sure the page is up-to-date before
> AAS).
> Some ideas:
>   - If we decide to highlight anything, could we highlight the
> tools/services advertized by the IVOA exhibitors at AAS? For other
> conferences, we could update the highlighted list to tune to the exhibitors
> at that meeting
> >> This might be useful, but this may run into political difficulties if,
> e.g., all NAVO member partners don’t think they are fully represented
>     - cons:  it wouldn't be a great representation of all the work done by
> IVOA partners; it would be localized to the meeting location
> yes, but please be aware: organization specific exhibits are not about
> what other organizations have achieved,
>   - Be general  (e.g., Get Data, Analyze, and Publish -- check out the
> links. Here's a tiny blurb on what the IVOA is), but point to IVOA partner
> booths, related presentations (that we know of... this part might be hard
> at this stage…)
> Thus might be the safest route.

Great, I'll tailor it this way then. Plus, it gives us the opportunity to
re-use the general stuff at other conferences.

>   - We could have one handout at the undergraduate reception, and another
> for tables.  I'm thinking, here's a list of tools for getting, analyzing,
> viewing, sharing data that would be useful to an undergrad student.
> Does anyone need to approve material handed out at the undergraduate
> reception?

I haven't asked anyone on the AAS short meeting contact list, but Rodolfo
Montez had originally suggested the idea, and since he's an AAS organizer,
I'm thinking it's OK. I remember random people walking around handing out
business cards / flyers when I attended the undergrad reception in 2013,
too. But I'll send an email to one of the official contacts just to make

> One approach may be:  US is part of the IVOA (through the USVOA) , whose
> protocols are built into services released at NED, HEASARC .. and are built
> into the following tools used by astronomers worldwide.
I'll try it, thanks

> Cheers
> Bruce
> I'll work on a couple ideas and send it out to the media group by the end
> of the day (~6:00pm EST). If anyone has more ideas/comments today or
> tomorrow, please share them and we can work them into the handout drafts.
> Thanks!
> Jamie
> On Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 6:59 PM, Bruce Berriman <gbb at ipac.caltech.edu>
> wrote:
>> Hi Jamie,
>> Thanks for the e-mail. Thanks for offering to get this started - I regret
>> I have a lot of deadlines in the next week (including the NAVO workshop for
>> AAS) and can’t really take on the role of leading another task.
>> There are matters for us to consider though. How would this handout be
>> distributed?  An obvious answer is from the from exhibits of organizations
>> involved in VO work. But that may not be that simple. All materials
>> distributed at the IPAC booth have to be approved beforehand (and there are
>> always changes!), and our materials are supposed to be complete by this
>> Friday. I am sure the other organizations have comparable review processes
>> and deadlines.
>> What to include?  Again not trivial - let’s say (just for example) we
>> decide to talk about TOPCAT and ESASky. Such a handout would never be
>> permitted at the IPAC booth because IPAC played no part in deploying these
>> services. Now, I don’t have a answer to what we talk about, but I think if
>> distributed through several booths, it has to emphasize things that are of
>> value to the US community that the broader US VO effort was involved in.
>> Will try to find a few cycles in the next day or so to think about this,so
>> I’ll get back to you.
>> Cheers
>> Bruce
>> On Dec 13, 2017, at 12:06 PM, Budynkiewicz, Jamie Anne <
>> jbudynkiewicz at cfa.harvard.edu> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> One of the items on our list was to come up with a VO handout for
>> conferences. We have AAS coming up in a couple weeks (Jan 7-12), plus EWASS
>> in April.
>> So I ask all of us:
>>   1.)  What VO tools and services should be highlighted on the handout?
>>   2.)  Who wants to take the lead on making sure a handout gets sent to
>> the Exec?
>>          - (if no one takes the lead by Saturday, I'm happy to take it
>> and get something together)
>> I talked with Pepi this week, and she says it'd be good to have a draft
>> handout for the Exec telecon meeting next week, **Tuesday, Dec 19**.
>> I know it's a bit late in the game, so all inputs are greatly
>> appreciated.  I'll be on Slack (https://ivoa.slack.com) throughout the
>> week if people want to brainstorm ideas / show handout drafts.
>> Thanks!
>> Jamie
>> --
>> Jamie A. Budynkiewicz
>> Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
>> Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
>> 100 Acorn Park Dr
>> <https://maps.google.com/?q=100+Acorn+Park+Dr&entry=gmail&source=g>.
>> R-377 MS-81
>> Cambridge, MA 02140
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> --
> Jamie A. Budynkiewicz
> Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
> Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
> 100 Acorn Park Dr
> <https://maps.google.com/?q=100+Acorn+Park+Dr&entry=gmail&source=g>.
> R-377 MS-81
> Cambridge, MA 02140
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Jamie A. Budynkiewicz
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
100 Acorn Park Dr. R-377 MS-81
Cambridge, MA 02140
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