[Media] IVOA Newsletter #18

Fabbiano, Giuseppina gfabbiano at cfa.harvard.edu
Thu Dec 14 18:21:09 CET 2017

In the long term, it seems to be that the easier path would be to change
the format, to avoid too many restrictions on contributors.

On Thu, Dec 14, 2017 at 11:29 AM, Deborah Baines <dbaines at sciops.esa.int>

> Hi Pepi,
> Looking at the previous newsletters (or at least number 10 onwards) I see
> that the articles are becoming longer as a function of time! My suggests
> are the following: either the format is changed as you suggest, and the
> text is wrapped around the figures, or we stick with the format and cut
> down the length of the articles and/or edit & add more images so they are
> approximately the same height as the article.
> Many thanks,
> Debbie
> On 14/12/17 17:13, Fabbiano, Giuseppina wrote:
> Hi Debbie,
> Yes, I was talking about the white space below the figures. It struck me
> that it may look better to have the text wrap around the figures, or at
> least a 2-column format, to avoid these white spaces. Or enlarge the
> figures.
> I welcome comments from others on this suggestion.
> Thanks,
>  -pepi
> On Thu, Dec 14, 2017 at 10:57 AM, Deborah Baines <dbaines at sciops.esa.int>
> wrote:
>> Dear Pepi,
>> I'm not sure exactly what you mean by a lot of white spaces, are you
>> seeing many white spaces in the 'image' region, next to the article, or
>> between one article and the next? The format is identical to the format in
>> previous newsletters. If you are opening the html in a browser, it might be
>> displaying differently to how I see it (I'm opening it in Firefox v52 in
>> Linux). Attached are some screen shots of how I see the newsletter (and how
>> I hope it should appear in the final ivoa.net web page). If there are
>> many white spaces it might be because the articles are too long and need to
>> be cut down, or we should add some more images, for example group photo at
>> the interop, another screen shot for the Aladin article, AAO article, and I
>> canl crop the ASTERICS workshop image so it's taller?
>> Many thanks,
>> Debbie
>> On 13/12/17 17:20, Fabbiano, Giuseppina wrote:
>> Thank you, Debbie.
>> There are some oddities in formatting, at least in the version I
>> downloaded.
>> A lot of white spaces, and the figures are not well integrated with the
>> text. This make the visual experience hard on the reader.
>> Also, at the end of last page, the last icon appears truncated.
>> Cheers,
>>  -pepi
>> On Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 10:59 AM, Deborah Baines <dbaines at sciops.esa.int>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear IVOA Exec and Media group,
>>> Please find attached the edited version for the next IVOA Newsletter,
>>> number 18, and a pdf version here:
>>> http://vospace.esac.esa.int/vospace/sh/152037173a861969293b7
>>> ba95a80b96b6ab5461c?dl=1
>>> Let me know of any corrections or if you are happy with the current
>>> version (and I'll then contact the document coordinators).
>>> Many thanks and kind regards,
>>> Debbie
>>> --
>>> ________________________________________________________
>>> QUASAR Science Resources for ESA - European Space Agency
>>> Dr. Deborah Baines
>>> ESDC Scientist
>>> ESAC Science Data Centre (ESDC)
>>> Data and Engineering Division
>>> Operations Department, Directorate of Science
>>> European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC)
>>> European Space Agency (ESA)
>>> Camino Bajo del Castillo s/n
>>> Urb. Villafranca del Castillo
>>> E-28692 Villanueva de la Cañada, Madrid, Spain
>>> deborah.baines at sciops.esa.int | www.esa.int
>>> Tel. +34 918 131 146  | Fax  +34 918 131 218
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>> --
>> Giuseppina Fabbiano
>> *Senior Astrophysicist Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics*
>> --
>> ________________________________________________________
>> QUASAR Science Resources for ESA - European Space Agency
>> Dr. Deborah Baines
>> ESDC Scientist
>> ESAC Science Data Centre (ESDC)
>> Data and Engineering Division
>> Operations Department, Directorate of Science
>> European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC)
>> European Space Agency (ESA)
>> Camino Bajo del Castillo s/n
>> Urb. Villafranca del Castillo
>> E-28692 Villanueva de la Cañada, Madrid, Spaindeborah.baines at sciops.esa.int | www.esa.int
>> Tel. +34 918 131 146 <+34%20918%2013%2011%2046>  | Fax  +34 918 131 218 <+34%20918%2013%2012%2018>
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> --
> Giuseppina Fabbiano
> *Senior Astrophysicist Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics*
> --
> ________________________________________________________
> QUASAR Science Resources for ESA - European Space Agency
> Dr. Deborah Baines
> ESDC Scientist
> ESAC Science Data Centre (ESDC)
> Data and Engineering Division
> Operations Department, Directorate of Science
> European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC)
> European Space Agency (ESA)
> Camino Bajo del Castillo s/n
> Urb. Villafranca del Castillo
> E-28692 Villanueva de la Cañada, Madrid, Spaindeborah.baines at sciops.esa.int | www.esa.int
> Tel. +34 918 131 146 <+34%20918%2013%2011%2046>  | Fax  +34 918 131 218 <+34%20918%2013%2012%2018>
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Giuseppina Fabbiano

*Senior AstrophysicistHarvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics*
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