[kdd] Call for Papers: KDD 2017 Workshop on Machine Learning for Creativity

ML Creative ml4creativity at gmail.com
Wed Mar 29 11:58:34 CEST 2017

SIGKDD 2017 Workshop on
Machine Learning for Creativity
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
August 14, 2017


*Important Dates:*

   - *Paper submission date: May 26, 2017*
   - Acceptance notification date: June 16, 2017
   - Workshop date: August 14, 2017

The first workshop on 'Machine Learning for Creativity' is held along with
SIGKDD-2017 to address one of the elusive goals of artificial intelligence
- "*Can Machines become creative like humans?*". The goal of this workshop
is to generate interest among the machine learning and data science
community in this upcoming field by concentrating on applications of
machine learning in creative domains

*Invited Speakers:*

   1. Flavio du Pin Calmon, Harvard University
   2. Mark Riedl, Georgia Institute of Technology
   3. Nick Montfort, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

*Topics of Interest:*
Suggested topics include, but not restricted to,

   - Formulations/ perspectives about creativity.
   - Evaluation metrics for creativity.
   - Multi-modal systems for creativity.
   - Large-scale analytics with creativity understanding.
   - Case-studies of creative generation process.
   - Collaborative interfaces for creative human-computer interaction.
   - Survey reports or benchmark dataset

*Submission Guidelines:*

We solicit submission of papers of 4 to 10 pages representing reports of
original research, preliminary research results, survey and dataset papers,
case studies, proposals for new work, and position papers. We also seek
poster submissions based on recently published work (please indicate the
conference published).

Following KDD conference tradition, reviews are single-blind, and author
names and affiliations should be listed. If accepted, at least one of the
authors must attend the workshop to present the work. The submitted papers
must be written in English and formatted in the double column standard
according to the ACM Proceedings Template, Tighter Alternate style (
http://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template). The papers should be
in PDF format and submitted via the EasyChair submission site (
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=creativeai17). The workshop website
will archive the published papers.

*Follow us: *

   - Twitter (@ml4creativity)
   - Facebook (fb.me/ml4creativity)

Looking forward to see you at KDD 2017!

Anush Sankaran (IBM Research)
Karthik Sankaranarayanan (IBM Research)
Lav R. Varshney (UIUC)
Douglas Eck (Google Brain)
Kush R. Varshney (IBM Research)
Francois Pachet (Sony CSL)
Priyanka Agrawal (IBM Research)
Disha Shrivastava (IBM Research)
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