DOODLE CHOICE: Data annotation workshop

Laurent Michel laurent.michel at
Mon Feb 22 18:19:28 CET 2021

Dear VO,

Below is the time schedule of the briefing meeting for the DM workshop.

As the better Evento schedule is not convenient at all for people from America or Asia, 
we propose to run a second session if people ask for it (Email at laurent.michel at <mailto:laurent.michel at>).

SESSION #1 will be held on 
     Thursday 25 at 11AM CET
     ZOOM: see below
     Etherpad : <>
OPTIONAL SESSION #2: would be held on (TBC)

     Thursday 25 at 5PM CET
     ZOOM: TBD
     Etherpad : <>

Laurent Jesus

Session #1 Zoom
Subject : DM meeting -Zoom invitation
Date : 25 févr. 2021 10:30 AM Paris

Join the ZOOM meeting <>

Meeting ID : 839 2912 5084
Code : 198609

> On 20 Feb 2021, at 15:15, Laurent Michel <laurent.michel at> wrote:
> Hello,
> Let me remind you that an Evento has been open for the next week meeting.
> <>
>> On 17 Feb 2021, at 16:55, Laurent Michel <laurent.michel at <mailto:laurent.michel at>> wrote:
>> Dear VO,
>> In November, we sent around the message quoted below announcing the setting up of a workshop focus on the strategy to adopt for the data annotation.
>> Nothing happened publicly since that time for different reasons, but the project has made good progress nevertheless.
>> We propose to resume the operations with the following roadmap:
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> - Opening a public repository where use cases have been collected.
>> - Running a short meeting to present the process
>>   * This meeting will take place by the end of the next week
>> <>
>> - Let people  about one month to look or to provide input
>> - Collecting feedback from data providers, data annoters, data consumers or anybody else
>> - Running a virtual workshop
>> - Presenting the outcome at the next V-Interop
>> The repository is available here
>> <>
>> - Most of the use cases have been taken out  from the Source DM proposal (2016)
>> - Some of the MANGO proposals have been added
>> - Each use case is located in specific directory containing 
>>   - A short description (README)
>>   - A VOTable  matching the case
>>   - One subdirectory per proposal 
>> I have included proposals based on the Mango/ModelInstInVot tandem I’m working on as a workable solution and as a way
>> to push forward the concrete outcomes of the ideas presented for more than one year but, obviously, any other proposals
>> are really welcome.
>> Laurent & Jesus
>> Laurent Michel
>> SSC XMM-Newton
>> Tél : +33 (0)3 68 85 24 37
>> Fax : +33 (0)3 )3 68 85 24 32
>> Université de Strasbourg < <>>
>> Observatoire Astronomique
>> 11 Rue de l'Université
>> F - 67200 Strasbourg
>>> <>
>>> During last Interop we had a session, requested by Markus, that aimed at opening 
>>> a wide discussion on both Measurements and Coordinate models and possibly at 
>>> refining their usages.
>>> <>
>>> This came after a long discussion on the mailing list, related to the necessity of keeping 
>>> or not a tight dependancy between Measurements and Coordinates. 
>>> It has also been suggested that product models (e.g. CubeDM ) could be replaced with 
>>> domain related components.
>>> Many people have participated to the discussion with many positive contributions. 
>>> Although the goal of this message is not to report on that meeting, we do need to note 
>>> a few points:
>>> - There is a clear demand for using models
>>> - There is a clear demand for the models to be simple and modular.
>>> - The distinction between what is modelling and what is serialisation is unclear.
>>> The need for a concrete solution for annotating catalog data, that resurfaced last week, 
>>> has been tackled by the WG for a couple of years along with the development of 
>>> Measurements/Coordinates models.
>>> - 2018: Discussions have been engaged on this topic after a hands-on session in Victoria. 
>>>    <>
>>> - 2019: We asked data providers and client developers to present their needs in a dedicated 
>>>             session at Paris
>>>    <>
>>> After these 2 surveys the scope of the model usage has been exposed in Virtual May and 
>>> we have been working on MANGO (model for source data with some MC adaptations ) 
>>> that has been sketched in both Groningen and virtual-May and then presented last week.
>>> <>
>>> To continue this action we propose to organise a virtual workshop (initial proposal by Tom 
>>> to the TCG) with the hope of getting a widely accepted framework.
>>> The idea is not to start afresh but to give to the participants the opportunity of matching 
>>> their needs with the current proposals.
>>> To get a clear picture of what has to be done, we propose to work with a variety concrete 
>>> use cases and data samples provided by interested people. 
>>> We will then take a bit of time to exercice different options on this material before organising 
>>> the meeting where everyone will be able to present their own conclusion.
>>> Details of this action will be released soon, unless someone has a clear veto.
>>> Regards
>>> Laurent - Jesus
>>> PS You will be able to follow the topic on  #data-models at Slack

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