DOODLE Data annotation workshop

Laurent Michel laurent.michel at
Sat Feb 20 15:15:26 CET 2021


Let me remind you that an Evento has been open for the next week meeting. <>


> On 17 Feb 2021, at 16:55, Laurent Michel <laurent.michel at> wrote:
> Dear VO,
> In November, we sent around the message quoted below announcing the setting up of a workshop focus on the strategy to adopt for the data annotation.
> Nothing happened publicly since that time for different reasons, but the project has made good progress nevertheless.
> We propose to resume the operations with the following roadmap:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> - Opening a public repository where use cases have been collected.
> - Running a short meeting to present the process
>   * This meeting will take place by the end of the next week
> <>
> - Let people  about one month to look or to provide input
> - Collecting feedback from data providers, data annoters, data consumers or anybody else
> - Running a virtual workshop
> - Presenting the outcome at the next V-Interop
> The repository is available here
> <>
> - Most of the use cases have been taken out  from the Source DM proposal (2016)
> - Some of the MANGO proposals have been added
> - Each use case is located in specific directory containing 
>   - A short description (README)
>   - A VOTable  matching the case
>   - One subdirectory per proposal 
> I have included proposals based on the Mango/ModelInstInVot tandem I’m working on as a workable solution and as a way
> to push forward the concrete outcomes of the ideas presented for more than one year but, obviously, any other proposals
> are really welcome.
> Laurent & Jesus
> Laurent Michel
> SSC XMM-Newton
> Tél : +33 (0)3 68 85 24 37
> Fax : +33 (0)3 )3 68 85 24 32
> Université de Strasbourg < <>>
> Observatoire Astronomique
> 11 Rue de l'Université
> F - 67200 Strasbourg
>> <>
>> During last Interop we had a session, requested by Markus, that aimed at opening 
>> a wide discussion on both Measurements and Coordinate models and possibly at 
>> refining their usages.
>> <>
>> This came after a long discussion on the mailing list, related to the necessity of keeping 
>> or not a tight dependancy between Measurements and Coordinates. 
>> It has also been suggested that product models (e.g. CubeDM ) could be replaced with 
>> domain related components.
>> Many people have participated to the discussion with many positive contributions. 
>> Although the goal of this message is not to report on that meeting, we do need to note 
>> a few points:
>> - There is a clear demand for using models
>> - There is a clear demand for the models to be simple and modular.
>> - The distinction between what is modelling and what is serialisation is unclear.
>> The need for a concrete solution for annotating catalog data, that resurfaced last week, 
>> has been tackled by the WG for a couple of years along with the development of 
>> Measurements/Coordinates models.
>> - 2018: Discussions have been engaged on this topic after a hands-on session in Victoria. 
>>    <>
>> - 2019: We asked data providers and client developers to present their needs in a dedicated 
>>             session at Paris
>>    <>
>> After these 2 surveys the scope of the model usage has been exposed in Virtual May and 
>> we have been working on MANGO (model for source data with some MC adaptations ) 
>> that has been sketched in both Groningen and virtual-May and then presented last week.
>> <>
>> To continue this action we propose to organise a virtual workshop (initial proposal by Tom 
>> to the TCG) with the hope of getting a widely accepted framework.
>> The idea is not to start afresh but to give to the participants the opportunity of matching 
>> their needs with the current proposals.
>> To get a clear picture of what has to be done, we propose to work with a variety concrete 
>> use cases and data samples provided by interested people. 
>> We will then take a bit of time to exercice different options on this material before organising 
>> the meeting where everyone will be able to present their own conclusion.
>> Details of this action will be released soon, unless someone has a clear veto.
>> Regards
>> Laurent - Jesus
>> PS You will be able to follow the topic on  #data-models at Slack

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