Fwd: Nominations for the Commission B2 Organizing Committee

Chenzhou Cui ccz at bao.ac.cn
Thu Feb 18 01:56:34 CET 2021

Dear all,

If you are the IAU member, I encourage you to self-nominate as 
Organising Committee member for the IAU B2 commission. It is an 
important opportunity for the VO to improve our visibility among the 
whole astronomy community.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Nominations for the Commission B2 Organizing Committee
Date: 	Wed, 17 Feb 2021 11:29:20 -0000
From: 	Anja Schroeder <no-reply at iau.org>
Reply-To: 	anja at hartrao.ac.za
To: 	ccz at nao.cas.cn

Dear Commission B2 members,

As you may have seen, the IAU is calling for nominations to stand for 
elections to the Commission and Division Organizing Committees for 
2021-2024. Our Commission B2 (Data and Documentation) has four vacancies 
for the next 3-year term on the OC. Both self-nomination and nominating 
a colleague are possible. While every one is welcome, we particularly 
encourage women and IAU members from currently under represented regions 
such as South America, Africa and Asia.

I will step down as president of this commission and continue to serve 
as an advisor for the next term. Our current Vice-president, Chenzhou 
Cui, has agreed to serve as president during the new term. The position 
of vice-president is therefore open and nominations are welcome.

Here is the link to the candidate application form for the Commission 
elections (IAU login first):


If you do not wish to stand for election yourself but know of a possible 
candidate amongst your colleagues, please let me know so that I can 
encourage that person to apply. The deadline for candidate applications 
is 8 March 2021.

With best regards
Anja Schroeder

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