Call for contributions to the Registry session in Victoria

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at
Mon Apr 9 15:52:30 CEST 2018

Hi Theresa,

we should send out a call for the Victoria session -- what do you
think of this:


Dear IVOA community,

To help us prepare our session(s) in Victoria, it would be great
if you could tell us about Registry topics you would like to see
discussed in Victoria.

In case you are looking for inspiration on what to talk about, here
is a list of topics that will certainly be discussed:

 * RegTAP 1.1 -- how to query the new VOResource 1.1 features
 * Discoving access-restricted services (use cases, anyone?)
 * Space-Time queries (see [1]; this is the perfect time to voice
   any doubts you have about the endeavour -- and if you see problems
   for its adoption)
 * Discovering TAP tables and similar things: The PEN [2] is still
   in RFC, so any reports on adoption or issues during adoption will
   be highly appreciated.

While we can accomodate any kind of contribution, giving a talk of 5-15
minutes on your topic(s) is highly encouraged.  To register a talk,
please send a brief mail with a title and your preferred format.


          Markus and Theresa


If you like it (or only have minor editorial changes), I'd be
grateful if you could send it out to interop at right away.
You won't get many mails...

I guess we should directly ask the usual suspects (ESAC, say) on top
if we don't hear from them in two weeks or so.

           -- Markus

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