Call for DataModel presentations in Victoria

CresitelloDittmar, Mark mdittmar at
Fri Apr 6 23:51:22 CEST 2018


This is the first call for presentations for the Data Model working group.
We have several projects going through the works, and I expect we
will again have coordinated session(s) with Apps and TDIG.

In Santiago, I recall hearing (not sure whose idea it was), a suggestion to
have a
dedicated, hands-on interactive session on DM and Apps topics.  This would
an opportunity for us to work one-on-one with interested folks to work
  - how to generate a vo-dml compliant model
  - how to map my data product to an ivoa model
  - other

I think this would be both fun and informative, so I'd like to gather
thoughts about
whether or not you agree that this would be a good addition, and if so,
what would
be most useful to include in this sort of session

So please submit your requests ( topic, presenter, time ) to me and Laurent
as soon as possible.

Mark and Laurent.
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