New version of the SIA V2.0 PR

François Bonnarel francois.bonnarel at
Thu Nov 20 10:18:12 CET 2014

Le 14/11/2014 19:12, François Bonnarel a écrit :
>      I am confident from other private discussions that two reference 
> implementations will be soon described on the RFC page. This can be a 
> way to go further in the process of modifications/achievment.
>      By the way I propose to start the TCG review with the current 
> version of the PR on Monday. This will also put new in puts from other 
> Working groups.
> Best regards
> François Bonnarel
Hi all
One implementation is allready described . The other one will come soon. 
The TCG review starts officially today. We encourage people to test the 
reference implementations, specially against the issues they may have 
with  the current status of the PR.
Best regards
François Bonnarel
Marco Molinaro

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