Expiring Working Group Chair/Deputy Chair positions

David Schade David.Schade at nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
Tue Mar 18 10:16:37 PDT 2014

  Hi all,

  We have a large number of expiring Chairs and vice-Chairs and we need 
everyone's suggestions and input to the process
of replacing individuals or extending terms where possible. The list is 
below as presented at the last Exec Telecon.

  We would greatly appreciate everyone's input. It should come directly 
to me or through your Exec member to me. Exec
will discuss and decide at the Madrid meeting.

  These are the people that make things happen in IVOA and we urgently 
need qualified volunteers and nominations.

  Many thanks to those who have served in these positions.


Expiring Working Group Chair/Deputy Chair positions

SG presented the following list of expiring working group chair and 
deputy chair positions.

_January 2014_

Registry WG Chair: Gretchen Green

Registry WG Vice-chair: Pierre Le Sidaner

_May 2014_

DAL Chair: Pat Dowler (already has a one year extension)

DM Chair: Jesus Salgado

DM Vice-chair: Omar Laurino

GWS Chair: André Schaaff

GWS Vice-Chair: Andreas Wicenec

CDP Chair: Alberto Accomazzi (already has a one-year extension)

Application Chair: Mark Taylor

Project Leads/WG Chairs: come forward with suggestions to fill expiring

Working group chair/deputy chair positions

Dr. David Schade
Scientist and Group Leader
Canadian Astronomy Data Centre
National Science Infrastructure
National Research Council Canada

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