Aladin V8 announcement

Pierre Fernique Pierre.Fernique at
Tue Mar 25 07:05:02 PDT 2014

Dear VO members,
The CDS are pleased to announce a new major Aladin version:

Aladin version 8 improvements mainly concern the global all sky 
features: /Hierarchical Progressive Survey tools (HiPS)/ and 
/Multi-Order Coverage map tools (MOC)/ . Used in conjonction with Aladin 
Lite <> (Javascript Web embedded 
HiPS viewer), Aladin provides a very efficient framework for managing, 
displaying, comparing and analyzing data from large astronomical data 
surveys (for instance, seeGlimpse 360 
<> news).

For the Aladin team,
Pierre Fernique


In details :

  * *Progressive Survey (HiPS)* improvements (more...)
      o Faster display,
      o Faster generation (x5),
      o Access to the original images and associated metadata,
      o Orignal JPEG or PNG image support,
      o PNG tiles,
      o Progressive zoom,
      o Mirrored servers auto-switching,
      o Batch mode support (-hipsgen option)
  * *Coverage map (MOC)* improvements (more...)
      o Catalog & pixel survey MOC access,
      o MOC generator from local images or catalogs,
      o Logical operations,
      o Filtering by MOC,
      o Faster display (via adaptative resolution),
      o IVOA MOC 1.0 standard support
      o Batch mode support (-mocgen option)
  * *Proper motion*: dynamic display (epoch slider) (more...)
  * *VizieR photometry tool*: phot.graph on current position (more...)
  * *IVOA VOTable 1.3 standard* support (BINARY2 + LINK + Note STC in
    VOTable 1.2 & 2.0)
  * *Miscellaneous*:
      o New menus: "Open recent file or URL", "Copy/Paste"...
      o New basic tools: coordinate & pixel toolboxes, distance measurer,
      o STC-S region support (as a script command) (more...)
      o Source tagging facility (more...)
      o Solid shapes,
      o Transparency pixels
  * *JPEG large image*: required RAM divided by 2

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