IVOA InterOp Meeting - Pune Oct 2011

Nicholas A Walton naw at ast.cam.ac.uk
Mon Sep 26 06:36:58 PDT 2011

Dear All,

this is a quick note to inform you that the main agenda for the upcoming 
17-21 Oct 2011 InterOp in Pune is now available - please see 

We are looking forward to a successful meeting.


Nicholas Walton, Severin Gaudet, Abhishek Rawat.
(Programme Organising Committee).

Dr Nicholas A. Walton
Institute of Astronomy          Tel:   +44 1223 337503
University of Cambridge         Fax:   +44 1223 337523
Madingley Road                  WWW:   http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~naw
Cambridge, CB3 0HA              email: naw at ast.cam.ac.uk

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