Implementation session at Pune Interop

Francoise Genova genova at
Thu Sep 29 08:00:03 PDT 2011

Dear colleagues,

You may have noted an unusual item among the
plenary sessions of the Pune Interop meeting,
called "IVOA Standards Implementation".
This results of a discussion at the preparatory TCG
meeting a few weeks ago. 

We all know that implementation of the IVOA standards
by the data centres and services is critical 
for VO success. This session was set up, as a plenary
one, to trigger discussion on this fundamental topic.

The aim is to share lessons learnt and feedback on implementation
and to discuss implementation tools. WG chairs are encouraged
to be ready to say a few words on the topic in
their respective domains, and short contributions
of individuals can also be envisaged.

Can you please contact me if you wish to present 
a contribution? The detailed programme will be
established at a later stage when I know more
about who is willing to talk.



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