implementations of TAP (+ ObsCore = ObsTAP)

Guy Rixon guyrixon at
Mon Nov 8 04:43:40 PST 2010

Hi Patrick,

here are some details of TAP services at Cambridge.


All the services listed below are built from (ex-AstroGrid) DSA/ 
Catalogue software. This supports:

- synchronous and asynchronous ADQL query;
- secure operation;
- VOTable/TABLEDATA, VOTable/binary, CSV, TSV (the format-switching  
interface may be buggy in the current version).

It doesn’t provide any of:

- PQL query;
- file upload.

Of these, TAP-SCHEMA is next on the list of major enhancements.

TAP services at IoA Cambridge follow.

  - Object catalogue for INT wide-field survey: ivo:// 
INT-WFS/merged-object-catalogue/INT_WFS_Merged_Object_catalogue, TAP  

- Observation catalogue for INT wide-field survey: ivo:// 
INT-WFS/observation-catalogue/INT_WFS_DQC, TAP at

- TPM N-Body DM Halo Catalogue: ivo:// 
tpmhalocat, TAP at

- Hipparcos: vo:// 

- 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: ivo:// 
catalogue/Object_catalogue_2dF_Galaxy_Redshift_Survey, TAP at 
  (registration may be messed up at present - I’m checking it).

On 4 Nov 2010, at 16:36, Patrick Dowler wrote:

> I would like to compile a list of TAP-1.0 implementations.
> For TAP services, please email me a brief note with the base URL for  
> the
> service and an overview of what is implemented (any required  
> features not yet
> implemented? any optional features implemented? languages supported,  
> output
> table formats, supported, etc). Also, can you please indicate where/ 
> how the
> service is registered in an IVOA registry, if at all? Finally, a brief
> description of the content and scale of the database would be  
> interesting too.
> It would also be very helpful to know which TAP services implement  
> the ObsCore
> model (e.g. have a table/view called ivoa.ObsCore) along with a brief
> description of the data/content available via ObsCore.
> thanks in advance,
> -- 
> Patrick Dowler
> Tel/Tél: (250) 363-0044
> Canadian Astronomy Data Centre
> National Research Council Canada
> 5071 West Saanich Road
> Victoria, BC V9E 2M7
> Centre canadien de donnees astronomiques
> Conseil national de recherches Canada
> 5071, chemin West Saanich
> Victoria (C.-B.) V9E 2M7

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