Fwd: [Adass-announce] ADASS 2009 - still accepting abstracts

M. Ohishi masatoshi.ohishi at nao.ac.jp
Thu Jul 16 17:28:38 PDT 2009

Forwarding the message from Carlos Gabriel <juan.carlos.gabriel at gmail.com
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Dear colleagues,

due to problems with the ADASS mail server, the reminder for the conference
sent a week ago has not been delivered. Therefore we have decided to extend
the deadline for abstract submission by 10 days...

Looking forward to seeing you in Sapporo,
Carlos Gabriel - Program Organizing Committee

Reminder + Deadline changes

Announcement of ADASS 2009 SAPPORO

We are pleased to announce the opening of registration for the
19th annual conference on Astronomical Data Analysis Software
and Systems (ADASS).  The conference will be held in Sapporo,
Japan at the Renaissance Sapporo Hotel during 4-8 October

The ADASS conference is held each year at a different hosting
astronomical institution. The conference provides a forum for
scientists and programmers concerned with algorithms, software
and software systems employed in the acquisition, reduction,
analysis, and dissemination of astronomical data.  The program
includes invited talks, contributed papers, display sessions,
tutorials, and computer demonstrations, as well as special
interest ("Birds of a Feather" or BOF) meetings.  These
activities aim to encourage communication between software
specialists, scientists, and also to stimulate further development
of astronomical software and systems.  We encourage you to
participate in this exciting conference by submitting an oral or
poster abstract, a demonstration, or a BoF proposal.

Key topics for this year's conference include but are not
limited to:

* Time domain astronomy
* "Most dangerous" process, design & implementation errors
* Virtual Observatory (VO)
* Reusable archive technologies
* Commonly available development environments & tools

As this is the first ADASS in Asia, we encourage proposals that
deal with topics of special interest to Asia.

Details on the submission process can be found on the Conference
website at http://www.adass.org/.

Important Dates:
Registration/Abstract Submission Opens: May 27, 2009
Deadline for Oral and Poster Abstract Submission: *July 25, 2009 * (was July
15, 2009)
Deadline for Demo Submission: *July 25, 2009*  (was July 15, 2009)
End of Early (discounted) Registration: July 31, 2009
Deadline for BoF Submission: August 31, 2009

The Conference website will be updated regularly during the next
few months to include information about the program, the current
list of attendees, and the submitted abstracts.  Please review
the calendar of important events and deadlines.

We look forward to seeing you in Sapporo!


Yoshihiko Mizumoto (Astronomical Data Center, NAOJ)
Chair, Local Organizing Committee
LOC email: info at adass2009.jp

Arnold Rots
Chair, Program Organizing Committee

| Carlos GABRIEL
| XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre
| European Space Agency (ESA)
| European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC)
| P.O. Box 78, 28691 Villanueva de la Ca?ada - Madrid - SPAIN
| Tel: +34 91 813 13 51, Fax: +34 91 813 11 72
| E-mail : Carlos.Gabriel at sciops.esa.int

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