Interoperability Meeting Nov 2009

Alberto Micol alberto.micol at
Tue Jul 14 07:23:23 PDT 2009

Dear All,

This is to announce that the registration for the November 9-13 IVOA 
meeting is now open.

The Interop will be held at ESO Headquarters (main building), Garching 
bei Muenchen.

The meeting program and other details will be available on the IVOA 
Twiki page at

Important dates:

Sep 26: Hotel reservation.

Check the Accommodation page:
An ESO block reservation exists for three hotels in Garching
and one in Munich (Schwabing). You'll be able to enjoy the special ESO rate
only if you book before the provided date (depending on the hotel,
it spans from September 26 to October 9).
Please check the accommodation page for further details.

Oct 15:  Meeting registration

Fill in the registration form before Oct 16th,  and please do not forget 
to indicate
whether you plan to attend the conference dinner (Tuesday 10 November)
at the Augustiner, Munich downtown, menu a la carte. Your table reservation
will depend on this!

Alberto on behalf of the IVOA LOC

PS: For any question/suggestion please contact us at ivoa2009 at

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