Simple Spectral Line Data model: RFC period begins

Mireille Louys louys at
Mon Jul 20 09:34:00 PDT 2009

The IVOA Data Model Working group announces the start of the public 
"Request For Comment" period for the Proposed Recommendation "IVOA 
Simple spectral Line Data Model, v1.0"

We welcome all comments on this document evaluating its readiness for 
acceptance as an IVOA Recommendation.

Please make your comments by entering them at the RFC twiki page at

Those without IVOA Twiki accounts may send comments to dm at

This model was developed in coordination with the SLAP Protocol available at, 
so I encourage you to examine both documents, as SLAP is an 
implementation of the Simple Spectral Line Model.

Mireille Louys
Data Model Working Group Chair

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