invitation letter for IVOA Beijing meeting

michel at michel at
Sat Mar 24 04:53:35 PDT 2007

Dear Chenzou,

I will attend the IVOA meeting and I need an invitation letter.

       * Full Name on Your Passport MICHEL Laurent,Denis
       * Passport Number            02YI75129 X
       * Nationality                French
       * Institute Name             Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg
       * Office Post Address        11 Rue de l'Université
                                    67000 Strasbourg
       * Office Telephone Number    (33-0) 3 90 24 24 37

Best regards
L. Michel

Quoting Chenzhou CUI <ccz at>:

> Dear all,
> It is a reminder message. If you are going to attend the IVOA
> interoperability meeting which will be held in Beijing from May 14 to 18
> and need invitation letter for Chinese VISA, please send the following
> information to me as early possible:
>     * Full Name on Your Passport
>     * Passport Number
>     * Nationality
>     * Institute Name
>     * Office Post Address
>     * Office Telephone Number
> So that we can send the official invitation form to you to ensure you
> have enough time for VISA application.
> More information is available at the local meeting website:
> Cheers,
> Chenzhou
> -- 
> =================================================================
> Chenzhou Cui
> National Astronomical Observatory | Tel: (8610)64872500
> Chinese Academy of Sciences       | FAX: (8610)64878240
> Datun Road 20A, Chaoyang District | Email: ccz at
> Beijing 100012, China             | WWW:
> =================================================================

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