invitation letter for IVOA Beijing meeting

Chenzhou CUI ccz at
Mon Mar 12 18:54:00 PDT 2007

Dear all,

It is a reminder message. If you are going to attend the IVOA 
interoperability meeting which will be held in Beijing from May 14 to 18 
and need invitation letter for Chinese VISA, please send the following 
information to me as early possible:

    * Full Name on Your Passport
    * Passport Number
    * Nationality
    * Institute Name
    * Office Post Address
    * Office Telephone Number

So that we can send the official invitation form to you to ensure you 
have enough time for VISA application.

More information is available at the local meeting website:


Chenzhou Cui  
National Astronomical Observatory | Tel: (8610)64872500
Chinese Academy of Sciences       | FAX: (8610)64878240
Datun Road 20A, Chaoyang District | Email: ccz at
Beijing 100012, China             | WWW:

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