RFC initiated for VOResource: an XML Encoding Schema for Resource Metadata

Ray Plante rplante at poplar.ncsa.uiuc.edu
Wed Jul 18 23:24:41 PDT 2007

Dear colleagues,

The IVOA Resource Registry Working Group is pleased to announce that the
document entitled, "VOResource: an XML Encoding Schema for Resource 
Metadata, version 1.02" is now an IVOA Proposed Recommendation and that a
Request For Comments (RFC) period has been initiated today (July 19), with 
the goal of advancing the document to an IVOA Recommendation.  This RFC 
period will run until Auguest 19, 2007.

This document describes the XML Schema used to encode metadata describing 
VO resources.  It serves as an exchange format for VO resource registries 
and their clients as well as for similar applications.

Please review the document, and add any comments to the RFC page at


More extensive discussions should be directed to the Registry working 
group mailing list (registry at ivoa.net). The most recent version of the 
document can be found at


Please submit any comments by 19 August 2007. Thanks in advance for your 

Ray Plante
IVOA Resource Registry Working Group chair

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