EU Consultation on e-Science Digital Repositories

Bob Mann rgm at
Thu Jul 19 04:39:15 PDT 2007

 	Hi folks,

 	As described in the message below, the European Commission is
currently undertaking a study of digital repositories used in research
and teaching, with a view to informing future policy and funding in that
area. Whilst the benefit of this would be most directly felt within the
EU, the consultation process is open to interested parties worldwide, so
I would encourage everyone to consider taking the 15 minutes or so
needed to complete the online questionnaire available at the URL given 
below. Most of the questions are pretty predictable, but the issues are
so crucial to the development of the VO that it would be very good for
a strong message to come from our community.

 	Many thanks.

 	Bob Mann

---------- Forwarded message ----------

apologies for any cross-posting

Dear Sir, Dear Madam,

May I invite you, as key stakeholders, to contribute to the development of a 
knowledge society and digital infrastructure in Europe, by taking part in the 
Commission's online public consultation on e-Science Digital Repositories 
which is available at

This consultation forms a key part of the e-SciDR study funded by the 
Commission into repositories holding digital data and publications for use in 
the sciences (in the widest sense encompassing disciplines from the humanities 
and social sciences to the life sciences).

Your answers will help identify needs, priorities and opportunities which the 
European Union, through the Commission, can help address and drive forward in 
the FP7 Capacity Programme and will provide an important input to developing 
future policy initiatives.

I would be grateful if you could respond to the consultation by no later than 
30 July 2007.

All answers will be strictly confidential and anonymised.

If you would like to receive a summary of the consultation results, please tick 
the corresponding box on the questionnaire.

Best regards,

Mário Campolargo

Head of Unit GÉANT & e-Infrastructure

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