
Matthew J. Graham mjg at
Wed Jan 19 15:44:23 PST 2005


A couple of things in response:

>  We also need to define how those are described in
> the registry. Once these are all sorted, we'll have a standard way 
> that any
> app can be delivered so that it can be found and run in a standard way.

So the standard service interface will tell me what arguments I need to 
pass to a particular service or rather there will be a standard method 
I call to get the list of arguments so invoking a service will actually 
be a two-tier process: first get the list of arguments and then 
construct the standardized call with these arguments? This means 
weakly-typed WSDLs.

I would rather that the standard interface just guarantees things like 
I can get the status and logging information for a job or its metadata 

> But the web services will all run on the computers where they've been 
> installed.
> We're not talking about shifting the code around - a web service runs 
> where
> it is installed. If there are multiple instances, they will still be
> executable instances.

With distributed data sets, we do not care where the data actually 
resides as long as we have a transparent access protocol and it will be 
the same with distributed computing resources so don't throw out the 
concept of hot service deployment.



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