Charter for the VO Applications Interest Group

Thomas McGlynn tam at
Mon Mar 22 12:44:30 PST 2004

The new VO Applications Interest Group is designed to
be the forum for the discussion of the practical aspects
of developing and using VO software.  The following charter
is proposed for this group:

   This interest group is intended to support developers and users
    of Virtual Observatory applications and provides a forum to

     * announce the release of software tools and libraries
       for use by other developers and the public
     * discuss the use of existing tools and libraries
     * suggest enhancements or upgrades to existing tools and
     * develop consistent approaches to software
       release throughout the IVOA.

If you are interested in building or using VO software tools
your participation in this group would be welcome.  You may subscribe to
the Applications mailing list at:

The charter and a few quick links that may be useful to VO developers
are posted on the Applications Twiki page:
Additional contributions would be welcome.  The goal is for this
to become a  comprehensive, but still easily searched tool
for finding VO software information.

Comments and suggestions for changes to the charter are welcome.
Here's hoping for many stimulating discussions,

	Tom McGlynn

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