VO-related workshop in China

Rudi Albrecht ralbrech at eso.org
Thu Mar 18 09:29:32 PST 2004

Dear VO-person,

The United Nations and the European Space Agencies are sponsoring a 
series of "Workshops on Basic Space Science" ( 
http://www.seas.columbia.edu/~ah297/un-esa/activities.html ). This 
year's workshop, to be held in China during May 24 to 27, will have a 
session on Virtual Observatories, which I am organizing.

I would like to encourage the major VO groups to present their work at 
the workshop. One of the goals of this series of workshops is to provide 
access for scientists from developing nations to observing facilities, 
or to data. The Virtual Observatory is clearly the ideal tool to allow 
astronomers from all over the world to work with high quality data.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,

Rudi Albrecht
Acting Head,
Space Telescope European Coordinating Facility

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