RM V1.01 is now available

Tony Linde ael at star.le.ac.uk
Mon Mar 29 09:11:54 PST 2004

And I'll submit that request on Monday, so everyone has until the end of
this week to get final comments in. Please post comments directly to the
registry at ivoa.net list to ensure a speedy response.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-registry at eso.org [mailto:owner-registry at eso.org] 
> On Behalf Of Robert Hanisch
> Sent: 29 March 2004 14:47
> To: registry at ivoa.net
> Subject: RM V1.01 is now available
> RM V1.01, which includes all revisions previously described, 
> is now available in the IVOA document collection at 
> http://www.ivoa.net/Documents/PR/.  Now is the time to make a 
> final check, before Tony requests the Exec to review it for 
> promotion to Recommendation.
> Thanks,
> Bob

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