XMM-Newton Archive InterOperability SIAP compatible version

Peter Quinn pjq at eso.org
Wed Sep 17 07:06:49 PDT 2003

Dear Pedro and Salgodo

    Thanks for the update. It sounds like significant progress in getting
this important archive to the status of "VO compliant". There appears to be
a problem with the link you provided. Could you please check it and resend.


    Peter Quinn
    Chairman, IVOA

On 17/9/03 3:33 PM, "posuna at iso.vilspa.esa.es" <posuna at iso.vilspa.esa.es>

> Dear IVOA people,
> we have finished adapting our XMM-Newton Archive Interoperability
> package to be SIAP compatible.
> You can find it at:
> http://xsa.vilspa.esa.es:8080/aio/jsp/siap.jsp?<parameter inputs>
> Below follows a brief description on typical examples of queries to the
> XMM-Newton AIO system. A more detailed pdf document is attached with
> description of the examples and output results (see chapter 4 for the
> SIAP compliant part of the system).
> We will give a demo in the next ADASS at Strasbourg for the XMM-Newton
> and the ISO Archive Interoperability packages (the latter one already
> developed and in internal test-review phase).
> Your comments/suggestions are most welcome. We wait for your news to
> improve the system.
> Best regards,
> Pedro Osuna & Jesus Salgado
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Examples of use of the SIAP compatible part of the XMM-Newton Archive
> Interoperability System
> =====================================================================
> Note: We have included a FORMAT=HTML parameter input to be able to
> display the results in a "human-understandable" way, as we
> didn't find any VOTable viewer that could display links. We would be
> very happy to hear from any of you that has used a VOTable capable
> viewer that can display links (we tried with a couple of them but
> didn't succeed in representing the data, only in the parsing...).
> 1) Cone search for a region in the sky (in html format)
> http://xsa.vilspa.esa.es:8080/aio/jsp/siap.jsp?POS=0.7,41.2&FORMAT=HTML
> (will give result in HTML format; with no "FORMAT" input, the result
> will be the default in SIAP, i.e., VOTable).
> 2) Box search in RA and DEC
> http://xsa.vilspa.esa.es:8080/aio/jsp/siap.jsp?POS_EQ_RA_MAIN>0.6&POS_EQ_RA_MA
> 3) BOX searches in other parameters
> Parameters like the revolution number can be used as delimiters in box
> searches:
> http://xsa.vilspa.esa.es:8080/aio/jsp/siap.jsp?REVNO>200&REVNO<210&FORMAT=HTML
> 4) Target searches can be done that will be resolved by SIMBAD
> http://xsa.vilspa.esa.es:8080/aio/jsp/siap.jsp?ID_TARGET=M31&FORMAT=html

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