Updated: XMM-Newton Archive InterOperability SIAP compatible version

posuna at iso.vilspa.esa.es posuna at iso.vilspa.esa.es
Wed Sep 17 09:21:39 PDT 2003

Dear all,

it looks like the first link in our previous e-mail about the XMM-Newton
AIO system was creating some misunderstandings as it was a generic URL
describing the main AIO syntax rather than a real working URL.

Please discard previous mail and read this one instead.

Apologies for any confusions this may have caused.

Best regards,


Dear IVOA people,

  we have finished adapting our XMM-Newton Archive Interoperability
  package to be SIAP compatible.

  You can find an example at:


  Below follows a brief description on more typical examples of queries
  to the  XMM-Newton AIO system. A more detailed pdf document is
  attached with  description of the examples and output results (see
  chapter 4 for the  SIAP compliant part of the system).

  We will give a demo in the next ADASS at Strasbourg for the XMM-Newton
  and the ISO Archive Interoperability packages (the latter one already
  developed and in internal test-review phase).

  Your comments/suggestions are most welcome. We wait for your news to
  improve the system.

  Best regards,

  Pedro Osuna & Jesus Salgado

  Examples of use of the SIAP compatible part of the XMM-Newton Archive
  Interoperability System

  Note: We have included a FORMAT=HTML parameter input to be able to
  display the results in a "human-understandable" way, as we
  didn't find any VOTable viewer that could display links. We would be
  very happy to hear from any of you that has used a VOTable capable
  viewer that can display links (we tried with a couple of them but
  didn't succeed in representing the data, only in the parsing...).

  1) Cone search for a region in the sky (in html format)


  (will give result in HTML format; with no "FORMAT" input, the result
  will be the default in SIAP, i.e., VOTable).

  2) Box search in RA and DEC


  3) BOX searches in other parameters

  Parameters like the revolution number can be used as delimiters in box


  4) Target searches can be done that will be resolved by SIMBAD 



 Pedro Osuna Alcalaya

 SOFTWARE Development Group
 XMM-Newton Science Archive				
 e-mail: Pedro.Osuna at esa.int
 Tel + 34 91 8131314  				

 European Space Agency
 VILLAFRANCA Satellites Tracking Station
 P.O. Box 50727 
 E-28080 Villafranca del Castillo


Pedro Osuna Alcalaya

SOFTWARE Development Group
XMM-Newton Science Archive				
e-mail: Pedro.Osuna at esa.int
Tel + 34 91 8131314  				

European Space Agency
VILLAFRANCA Satellites Tracking Station
P.O. Box 50727 
E-28080 Villafranca del Castillo

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