IVOA Support Interfaces 1.1

Kristin Riebe kriebe at aip.de
Thu Jun 18 17:35:40 CEST 2015

Hi grid,

I vote for version 1, since MySQL doesn't have a schema and we are using 
MySQL databases. So I would need to come up with something arbitrary 
(default?) for the schema that does not have any useful meaning for us. 
If this introduces inconsistencies with that XML model, then I vote for 
fixing that model as soon as possible.



Am 18.06.2015 um 09:59 schrieb Brian Major:
> Hi grid,
> In support of a more scalable VOSI /tables interface, we will start a
> 1.1 WD of the IVOA Support Interface document.
> There is, however, one issue that remains:  whether or not to include
> the $dbSchema segment in the rest interface to the new /table endpoint.
> An initial email thread of a discussion of this point can be seen here:
> http://mail.ivoa.net/pipermail/grid/2015-May/002728.html
> Should the REST endpoint match the, potentially flawed, XML model which
> includes the dbSchema (option 1), or should we try to correct the new
> /table REST endpoint now and fix the XML model later? (option 2).  (If
> I've misunderstood the arguments please correct me.)
> My preference is for consistency so vote option 2, but I'd like to hear
> opinions from the wider grid community so please state your opinions.
> Regards,
> Brian

| Dr. Kristin Riebe
| eScience & GAVO
| Email: kriebe at aip.de
| Phone: +49 331 7499-377
| Room:  B6/25
| Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP)
| An der Sternwarte 16, D-14482 Potsdam
| Vorstand: Prof. Dr. Matthias Steinmetz 	
| Stiftungsverzeichnis Brandenburg: 26 742-00/7026

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