new UWS 1.1 WD

Grégory Mantelet gmantele at
Tue Sep 30 17:32:22 CEST 2014

Hello Grid,

I may have a suggestion of modification of the current UWS standard. I 
probably show up a little late, but what I am suggesting is, according 
to me, a minor modification and should not impact at all any existing 
UWS implementation (including in the TAP protocol).

So, I am wondering whether it would be possible to add (or at least to 
allow) the 2 following optional attributes for the 'result' item?

     a/ 'mime', or any other name that would suggest an attribute 
informing about the type of result. I think a MIME type as value of this 
attribute would be a good idea.

     b/ 'size' which will give the size in bytes of the document 
proposed as result. I think users could be interested in a such piece of 
information ; they would know how big is the result they have to 
download. But I think it is particularly useful when several results are 

     (b.bis/ In TAP, I think the information about the number of rows 
contained in the result would be also interesting for some clients. But 
I do not know how to provide this information in the 'result' item. 
Probably an attribute "rows", but it would be probably too much in 
relation with the TAP protocol rather than applying to every kinds of 
UWS implemention.)

So, what is your opinion about the addition of these two attributes?
Do you think some users may be interested by them?
And finally, I don't know whether such modifications make sense, but if 
they do, should they be integrated in the new version 1.1 or in a next one?


PS: For the moment, I add these 2 attributes in my UWS library...which 
is of course not valid in regard of the XML schema. That's why, for the 
next coming soon version of my library, I am going to fix these 
non-standard attributes by hiding them. However, if it turns out that it 
makes sense to have such additional information, I will be ready to show 
them again later.

On 30.09.2014 15:50, Paul Harrison wrote:
> Hi,
> I have uploaded a new version of the UWS 1.1 WD to which contains changes which are largely as a result of the discussion that happened in this thread
> In summary the main change from the previous version is that the blocking behaviour introduced in that version has been moved from a specific custom endpoint to being signalled my a ?WAIT query parameter on the /{jobs}/{job-id} endpoint.
> I think that this WD now represents something that could be promoted to a PR if we have some reference implementations - any willing volunteers?
> Regards,
> 	Paul.
> p.s. as usual the source of the WD can be seen/edited in volute

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