Pierre Le Sidaner
pierre.lesidaner at obspm.fr
Wed Nov 5 22:45:42 CET 2014
On 11/05/2014 09:11 PM, Paul Harrison wrote:
> On 2014-11 -05, at 19:22, Walter Landry <wlandry at caltech.edu> wrote:
>> Getting rid of PENDING would certainly not be a minor modification to
>> UWS. It would, however, make UWS easier to implement, since it
>> integrates better with existing queuing software (e.g. SLURM, LSF,
>> PBS).
> Can I just say that the way that I implemented my UWS server in the past was that the PENDING state was before the job was sent to any backend cluster service - part of the point of the UWS is to produce a uniform facade onto other job systems - there might not be an exact match for each of their states - but the intention of PENDING in UWS is that it is a "before everything" state, where in the original conception, all that the UWS server knows about the job is the JDL - i.e. only the business parameters, and none of the desired job control parameters.
> Paul.
Since Interop 2011 in Naple we have present that UWS 1.0 is proposing 3
ways to send a job witch make confusion for the service providers and
Also that pending status is not in phase with any usual batch queue or
scheduler do. User should not submit a job until he is ready, and is not
able to modify parameters or time duration when a job is submitted.
During a pending phase nothing should be done (like downloading data)
it's only during run phase.
Pierre Le Sidaner
Observatoire de Paris
Division Informatique de l'Observatoire
Observatoire Virtuel 01 40 51 20 89
61, avenue de l'Observatoire 75014 Paris
mailto:pierre.lesidaner at obspm.fr
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