Dave Morris dave.morris at metagrid.co.uk
Wed Nov 5 19:13:11 CET 2014

On 2014-11-05 15:53, Walter Landry wrote:
> Dave Morris <dave.morris at metagrid.co.uk> wrote:
>> Allowing the job to be modified while it is still in the PENDING phase
>> is useful, because it provides a way for the client and server to
>> negotiate the details of the job, as described in Pat's example.
> Just to be clear, I am proposing getting rid of PENDING.  To handle
> the Patrick's use-case, you can ask the service for estimates, but you
> can not modify anything that is persistent.  You can only cancel them.

Sorry - that wouldn't work for us.

Modifiable PENDING jobs are an integral part of the way our service 

Amongst other things we use it to validate the ADQL syntax before 
actually running a query.


Dave Morris
Software Developer
Wide Field Astronomy Unit
Institute for Astronomy
University of Edinburgh

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