VOSI tables target namespace
Markus Demleitner
msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de
Wed Jul 23 00:55:57 PDT 2014
On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 09:59:02AM -0700, Patrick Dowler wrote:
> The VOSITables xsd that I have been using, and I am pretty sure the
> one that I submitted to the GWS WG during the VOSI RFC, is this one:
> https://code.google.com/p/opencadc/source/browse/projects/cadcVOSI/src/resources/VOSITables-v1.0.xsd
> It does define the correct targetNamespace...
> The xsd on voa.net seems to be derived from this, but with
> considerable stuff stripped out. Anyway, as far as I know (but I do
> use xerces java parser) the above linked xsd works correctly with
> full schema validation.
> Care to try it?
Interesting. I'm wondering where the version on ivoa.net came from.
Anyway, this will work (except the version attribute should be 1.0
rather than 1.0rc3). I was a bit confused yesterday by the
stipulation in the spec that the root element has to be of the type
vds:TableSet (PDF page 8) and therefore said we couldn't have an
additional schema. But of course we have, since
{http://www.ivoa.net/xml/VOSITables/v1.0}tableset of course is of the
type {http://www.ivoa.net/xml/VODataService/v1.1}TableSet, so we're
fine with the spec, too.
I'd suggest an additional paragraph like
This root element will in general be the tableset element from the
IVOA schema for the namespace
or something like this.
Be that as it may, we need to fix the schema on ivoa.net. Who's
going to do this?
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