VOSI tables target namespace

Patrick Dowler patrick.dowler at nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
Tue Jul 22 09:59:02 PDT 2014

The VOSITables xsd that I have been using, and I am pretty sure the one 
that I submitted to the GWS WG during the VOSI RFC, is this one:


It does define the correct targetNamespace...

The xsd on voa.net seems to be derived from this, but with considerable 
stuff stripped out. Anyway, as far as I know (but I do use xerces java 
parser) the above linked xsd works correctly with full schema validation.

Care to try it?


Patrick Dowler
Canadian Astronomy Data Centre
National Research Council Canada
5071 West Saanich Road
Victoria, BC V9E 2E7

250-363-0044 (office) 250-363-0045 (fax)

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