VOSpace 2.0 discussion points

Dave Morris dave at ast.cam.ac.uk
Tue Aug 25 08:33:27 PDT 2009

I've updated the wiki page with some comments.

Two main concerns :

On 08/24/2009 11:16 PM, Matthew Graham wrote:

> 3) Simple HTTP GET for client-server transfers
> http://nvo.caltech.edu/vospace-2.0/mydata/table3?view=ivo://net.ivoa/core/views/votable-1.1

I have yet to see a strong use case for this that a) works and b) would 
not be better solved by using a separate portal or resolver service.

> 4) Parameterized version as alternate to XML representation

This one is new to me, can someone explain what this means and why we 
need it ?


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