VOSpace 2.0 discussion points

Matthew Graham mjg at cacr.caltech.edu
Mon Aug 24 15:16:14 PDT 2009


Firstly apologies if you get this message twice but I suspect that not  
all interested parties have subscribed to the VOSpace-specific list (vospace at ivoa.net 

In Strasbourg, we broadly resolved a number of issues regarding  
VOSpace 2.0 and deferred working out the specific details to a later  
date on the mailing list. With the next IVOA meeting on the order of  
ten weeks away, it is time to flesh out these details so that I can  
update the spec and people can try implementing it to see if it makes  
sense (both logically and operationally). So to start the ball  
rolling, here are a few reminders:

1) Pagination

We are keeping this; the server cannot enforce it; do we use a  
continuation resource?

2) Service capabilities

We are inconsistent with registry in terms of versioning syntax - Guy  
said he would provide examples of alternate approaches

3) Simple HTTP GET for client-server transfers


What else needs to be in there?

4) Parameterized version as alternate to XML representation

Is there a PQL version of our XML representations?

5) UWS for transfers

Examples of what this would look like and how it would work?

6) Extra information requested

We've had requests for space available; what else?

I've updated the Wiki discussion page for the VOSpace 2.0  
specification (http://www.ivoa.net/cgi-bin/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/VOSpace20Spec 
) with these section headings so please use this to present details,  
etc. It's much easier that way to follow discussions than mail threads.



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