new version of REST in the VO

Guy Rixon gtr at
Thu Nov 6 06:34:31 PST 2008

Hi Andre,

I have a supplementary question. Given that "REST" is used to  
describe many styles, including some that Roy Fielding doesn't  
consider truly RESTful, how general are the toolkits? If I select a  
random toolkit, is it likely to let me build a pre-defined service  
(e.g. UWS), or do I have to pick a toolkit to suit my design?


On 6 Nov 2008, at 14:23, schaaff at wrote:

> Hi Mark,
> This list is informative, we think that it is not necessary to  
> choose one or another framework. You are true, it is possible to  
> produce REST services without any framework (that was not easy for  
> soap). However it could be nice to use a framework to provide de  
> facto (mainly true with a toolkit) RESTful services.
> regards
> André
> Quoting Mark Taylor <m.b.taylor at>:
>> On Tue, 28 Oct 2008, schaaff at wrote:
>>> The last version of the draft concerning the work about "REST in  
>>> the VO"
>> I've just got round to looking at this, and it prompts a question.
>> This is not necessarily to be fed back into changes in the document,
>> I just want to know the answer (in the opinions of the Note authors).
>> Section 4 gives a list of REST oriented frameworks - my (limited?)
>> understanding of the REST approach is that it's sufficiently simple
>> that one can just implement, or consume, a REST service without
>> requiring any particular software framework or library support,
>> other than a standard HTTP client/server available within many
>> language platforms.  Is this a reasonable view?  Or is that sort
>> of approach to be deprecated as either being, or encouraging,
>> bad practice?
>> thanks
>> Mark
>> -- 
>> Mark Taylor   Astronomical Programmer   Physics, Bristol  
>> University, UK
>> m.b.taylor at +44-117-928-8776 
>> ~mbt/

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