new version of REST in the VO

schaaff at schaaff at
Thu Nov 6 06:23:13 PST 2008

Hi Mark,

This list is informative, we think that it is not necessary to choose 
one or another framework. You are true, it is possible to produce REST 
services without any framework (that was not easy for soap). However it 
could be nice to use a framework to provide de facto (mainly true with 
a toolkit) RESTful services.



Quoting Mark Taylor <m.b.taylor at>:

> On Tue, 28 Oct 2008, schaaff at wrote:
>> The last version of the draft concerning the work about "REST in the VO"
> I've just got round to looking at this, and it prompts a question.
> This is not necessarily to be fed back into changes in the document,
> I just want to know the answer (in the opinions of the Note authors).
> Section 4 gives a list of REST oriented frameworks - my (limited?)
> understanding of the REST approach is that it's sufficiently simple
> that one can just implement, or consume, a REST service without
> requiring any particular software framework or library support,
> other than a standard HTTP client/server available within many
> language platforms.  Is this a reasonable view?  Or is that sort
> of approach to be deprecated as either being, or encouraging,
> bad practice?
> thanks
> Mark
> -- 
> Mark Taylor   Astronomical Programmer   Physics, Bristol University, UK
> m.b.taylor at +44-117-928-8776

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