Access control use-cases

Norman Gray norman at
Mon Jul 10 03:58:54 PDT 2006


On 2006 Jul 7 , at 18.46, Norman Gray wrote:

> I'm going to be doing some work on access control and  
> authorisation, initially within the AstroGrid context, but it would  
> I hope be applicable more broadly.  I'm gathering use-cases, and  
> have a few collected at < 
> VOTech/AccessControlUseCases>.

Hmm: re-reading it, I realise this message was rather vague.

I am actively soliciting authorisation use-cases, either additions to  
the cases collected in the wiki above, or pointers to other such  
collections, and would be most grateful for any suggestions.

I've incorporated the authorisation cases implied by Ray's white  
paper of <>, but I'm  
vaguely anxious that this has all been done by someone else already,  
and I just haven't found it.

Thanks for any comments.

All the best,


Norman Gray  /  /  University of Leicester, UK

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