Access control use-cases

Norman Gray norman at
Fri Jul 7 10:46:20 PDT 2006


I'm going to be doing some work on access control and authorisation,  
initially within the AstroGrid context, but it would I hope be  
applicable more broadly.  I'm gathering use-cases, and have a few  
collected at < 
AccessControlUseCases>.  Some of these were extracted from this  
list's archives.  If I've missed your favourite one, please do  
shout.  Or if I've missed your least-favourite, most headache- 
inducing, one.

I was talking recently to some folk who are working on policy  
management (partly, though not exclusively, in the context of the  
semantic web).  They seemed rather dismayed at how simple most use- 
cases were, since they were aiming at a pretty powerful system.

So let rip.  The ones I've got so far are probably fairly easily  
manageable (in terms of the logic and delegation involved, rather  
than necessarily their implementation in a live system).



Norman Gray  /  /  University of Leicester, UK

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