VOTable class

Martin Hill mchill at dial.pipex.com
Fri Dec 12 06:59:06 PST 2003

This may sound a bit strange but we're passing VOTables around as XML documents 
:-) ie based on the schema.  That way we don't have to worry about what object 
model is being used by the client - or even if the client is java at all.

Matthew Graham wrote:

> Hi,
> Is anyone trying to pass VOTable around directly between Java web services
> and clients? If so, what class are you using to represent VOTable?
> I have found the following all have associated problems:
> (1) JAVOT: requires com.tbf.xml package which has non-bean classes:
> XmlNameSpace, XmlObject (both lack default constructors)
> (2) SAVOT: compilation errors (cannot find savot/model/SavotSet; class is
> cds.savot.model.SavotSet in cds.savot.model package); VOTable is also not
> a bean (not serializable, no default constructor)
> (3) uk.ac.starlink.votable: not a bean (VOTable, VOElement) but easy
> enough to alter source code to make them (serializable, default
> constructor); however, use java.net.URL and javax.xml.transform.Source
> which are not beans. 
> (4) voi.vowrite.VOTable: this is a bean but is really only for writing not
> reading.
> I realise that lack of beanness does not stop the objects being passed
> about but it does mean that they end up being represented as anyType in
> the wsdl which does not make for easy translation at the other end.
> 	Cheers,
> 	Matthew

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