DM Running Meeting: 20241009 - Notes

CresitelloDittmar, Mark mdittmar at
Thu Oct 17 17:46:06 CEST 2024

Thanks to all who participated in the running meeting last week!  There was
good coverage and conversation over the agenda items.  We have a few
actions coming from that.. so please follow-up there and keep the momentum

Below are some notes from the meeting.. I'll put them in-line with the
agenda *(in bold)*, and a summary of actions.  My apologies for any errors
in interpretation.. feel free to make corrections.

I've also created a Twiki Page
the DAL example), to coordinate the Running Meeting information, agenda,
and notes.
(I'll add a link to these notes on that table when they appear in the email

*Action Summary:*

   - MS: schedule and setup regular DM Running Meetings going forward
   - MCD: follow-up on DM session contribution request by YX
      - DONE - this contribution will be in the Plenary panel session.
   - PH: pull some/all, hopefully non-controversial, items from the VO-DML
   1.1 milestone as candidates to move forward.. announce these to the DM
   mailing list for consideration/discussion.   Goal to have Working group
   consensus items identified, defining the scope of 1.1 update for Malta.
   - MCD: bring the 'Shape' discussion to the DM mail list, with goal to
   gain consensus on where this model element should live in the DM ecosystem
   - ??: bring vo-dml 'version' attribute to DM mail list for discussion..
   at least to form a plan IF the attribute is, in fact, needed for upcoming
   vo-dml standard updates.
   - LM:  Announce to the DM mail list when the MANGO model document is
   ready for general review.

    Mark CD, Mathieu Servillat, Pat Dowler, Marco Molinaro, Gerard Lemson,
Mireille Louys, Laurent Michel, Paul Harrison, Grégory Mantelet, Janet
Evans, Erin Brassfield Bourke


   - Running meetings going forward:
      - I’d like to set a fixed day/time each month to pre-schedule the
      running meetings going forward.  *[ACTION: MS to setup/schedule]*
   - Interop Prep:
      - Programme page:
         - DM session scheduled for Saturday Nov 16; 11:00 local time.
         - DM Session Page:
            - Responses to “Call for presentations” so far
               - Paul H:  VO-DML tools/Std update
               - Laurent M: MANGO updates/status
               - Mark C-D: Follow-up on Joint session topic
            - HEIG
               - Ian Evans:  possible contribution coming
            - ??
               - Yunfei Xu: a talk on Einstein Probe (EP) scientific data
                  - ?? DM the right place for this?

*                  NOTES:*
*                      o ACTION: MCD to follow-up with Yunfei on where to
best fit his contribution.*

   - CAOM Integration
      - Document uploaded to IVOA D&S page
         - quick summary of what that contains (any changes made toward
         integration goal)
         - what is needed from DM group now?
         - where do we go from here?

*                  NOTES:*
*                      o PD gave a good overview of the current document
*                            o Moving toward an IVOA model for CAOM.. has
community buy-in*
*                            o Changes to CAOM-2.4 are posted on D&S page,
*                                 o support for radio*
*                                 o reconciles some items with IVOA
*                                 o includes use cases from MAST, IRSA,
*                            o The document is rough; *
*                                 o **has a lot of editorial (LaTex)
updates to make (current doc. target format is HTML)*
*                                 o needs introduction and abstract...*
*                                 o work to do on vocabularies modeling and
how to handle new vocabularies*
*                            o Going Forward:*
*                                 o doing the cleanup (PD); and
broadcasting to the community for comment*
*                                 o At Malta: Looking to have a brutal
discussion on the details.*
*                      o It is intended that the CAOM model (DM) and
associated TAP interface (DAL) are kept separate*
*                      o CAOM - ties into the 'Shape as DataType'
discussion (see VO-DML)*

   - VO-DML:
      - Schema change:
         - History review:
               - 2018: email discussion about having a ‘version’ attribute;
               the attribute appears to have been added to volute
document at that time
               - 4/23/2018: attribute added to Git schema (commit 4933)
               - Unfortunately, the version that went to REC did not
               include the document snippet or the schema version
which included it.
               - The attribute was removed from the Git schema in 2021
               during a sweep by Paul H. to match the published schema.
            - Do we add this to the 1.1 list?
      - 1.1 candidates:
         - ROADMAP item:  Reconcile STC
         <> (Region), FoV
         (Shape), DALI <>
         (dtypes), CAOM (dtypes)
            - this came up multiple times during the interop and shouldn't
            be too difficult to make a plan
            - STC <> (Region)
            -- separate shape from Frame => STC
            <>-S serialization
               - Note: we don't necessarily have to update STC
               <>, just recast
               STC <>-S to
               refer to the replacement models.
            - Git Issues: (Tagged with V1.1 Milestone)
            - These have been on the table for some time, and reported by
            PH at various interops.  They have not gotten any attention
            within the working group beyond that.  I think we should get
            the short-list to the working group for review/comment
with dates/goals to
            push a V1.1 update through.
               - #44: Grouping of attribute composition and reference in
               ObjectType and DataType
               - #43: Update Appendix B Mapping to serialization meta-models
               - #41: Document rules for ‘contained’ references
               - #37: specify that datetime string serialization to conform
               to ISO8601
               - #20: update VO-DML Standard document to 1.1
               - #18: make the form of vodml-ids mandatory
               - #14: Schema Generation (XML and JSON)
               - #5: primitive type for ivorn
               - #4: way to indicate ‘natural’ primary key

*                  NOTES:*
*                      o MCD: suggested the VO-DML presentation at Malta be
more directed as a plan for moving V1.1 forward with change-list, status
and roadmap.*
*                            o ACTION: PH - pull some/all, hopefully
non-controversial, items from the VO-DML 1.1 milestone as candidates to
move forward.. announce these to the DM mailing list for
consideration/discussion.   Goal to have Working group consensus items
identified, defining the scope of 1.1 update for Malta.*

*                      o MCD: opened discussion on adding the 'shape'
datatypes in the "ivoa" model.*
*                            o PD: in DALI/CAOM these are expressed as
xtypes.. and items that can be expressed that way are good candidates as
base types.*
*                            o PH: adding this for 1.1 seems rather
rushed.. the other items on the milestone have been implemented for some
*                                      - reminder that there is a
'playground' in the vo-dml toolkit where things like this could be tried
*                            o GL: suggested this is really more of a
serialization issue.  Not sure VO-DML needs to care about that.*
*                                       - serialization (as xtypes) should
be outside of the ivoa model.*
*                            o PD: pointed out that the Shape datatype is
already defined and implemented in the DALI standard, *
*                                      so this is a relocation of
implemented content and not starting from scratch.*
*                            o **General discussion that this concept is
one that is currently appearing in multiple models and models in progress.*
*                                If it is not added to the ivoa model base
types, we should consider separating it as a core model just above the base
types level which *
*                                can be reused in various contexts.*
*                                       - eg: this model would describe the
shape datatype, the various models (FOV, DALI, ...) would use that type and
add context such as *
*                                                an associated coordinate
system, creating a spatial Region of a particular Shape.*

*                            ACTION: MCD - bring the discussion to the DM
mail list, with goal to gain consensus on where this model element should
be *
*                      o MCD: opened discussion on the 'version' attribute
*                            o version attribute is the 'version of vo-dml'
which is different from the version element in vo-dml which is the 'version
of the model being described'.*
*                            o PH: initial impression is that this isn't a
necessary addition*
*                            o PD: is not sure this is needed, it depends
on when model changes produce a change in namespace.*
*                            o GL: what if the schema doesn't change, but
the document does?  Would we want a new namespace for the new content?*
*                            I feel like there was an action here, for this
to be discussed on the DM mail list, but I don't have any written down.*
*                               - I recall expressing concern that we get
well into the V1.1 process and discover that the attribute is needed..
causing a delay.*

   - Mango:  Status update by Laurent

*                  NOTES:*
*                      o LM:  Working draft is published, refinements are
*                      o ACTION - LM:  Announce to the DM mail list when
the document is ready for general review.*

   - Formally Expressing Model B as a “view” of Model A
      - MCD - summarize where we are and what the plan is going toward
      Malta and beyond
         - This would probably benefit from a separate/dedicated meeting
         prior to the interop.
            - We had discussed a meeting of some sort in Sydney which I did
            not follow-up on to make happen.. but a short working “jam
session” would
            be helpful here.

*                  NOTES:*
*                      o MCD: gave a brief overview of current work..
mostly around mapping the MANGO:EpochPosition element to the 'parent'
Coordinates model*
*                      o GL: this is a very hard problem to solve, asks
what is the goal of this mapping?  What are we going to do with it?*
*                             MCD response: My concern is that IF we allow
models to define objects which overlap in concepts with other models, *
*                                  but catered to particular clients/cases,
we want to ensure that the content is consistent.  Not doing so will put us
in the same position we *
*                                  have had with ObsCore, STC and
Spectrum.. all with inconsistent/overlapping content.*
*                                  For example: I'd like to be able to
automatically **verify that *
*                                        o mango:EpochPosition is, in fact,
a valid consolidation of Coordinates model elements.*

*                                        o obscore is a consistent 'view'
of CAOM and/or DataSet*
*                                        o caom content which overlaps
DataSet, Cube etc concepts is consistent.*
*                      o MM: reminder that Baptiste is a good resource for
plugging into the Ontology community*

   - AOB
   - IVOA Note for FITS serializations:
         - discussion started as question about lightcurve data model, but
         was concluding with a proposal to develop an IVOA Note with
         serializations for various products in FITS format.
         - This project would require review/assessment of the ‘big
         players’ currently in practice and define a recommended
         This would probably include a dictionary for FITS keywords for
         metadata at the Dataset/ObsCore level.
         - Kelle Cruz was very keen on this project and, I think, would be
         willing (eager to contribute)

*                  NOTES:*
*                      o This topic was not covered in this meeting.. ran
out of time.*
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