Updates/corrections desired for the Obscore DM specification

Mireille Louys mireille.louys at unistra.fr
Sat Oct 28 17:27:02 CEST 2017

Hi DMers,

Some requirements for corrections in the ObsCore DM specifications have 
been adressed during Alberto's talk in Apps ,
and circulated on the dm list since last interop .
We will collect the requirements for changes and I can , as editor of 
the spec , propose an Errata Page for ObsCore v1.1 to be evaluated by 
TCG before next Interop .

Currently the wish list is :

/Alberto Micol: correct obs_publisher_id corresponding UCD in table 6 p. 56/
Answer : I have two suggestions to resolve this:
1- to update this UCD with *meta.ref.ivoid*, as stated in the model item 
definition ; this was what was considered when the spec appeared
2- just write*meta.id* , which will relax the requirement on the way 
archives want to choose an ID for the publisher DID .

For instance, some publishers are currently examining DOIs instead of 
Ivoa Ids. Will this make the definition of an IVOA ID evolve ? Not sure.
this leaves the door open for some redefinition on ids without breaking 
the ObsCore spec.

/Marco Molinaro  feedback from implementation
see http://mail.ivoa.net/pipermail/dm/2017-August/005604.html
/1 - pol_states
This field is listed as mandatory in §3.2 (Table 1, page 21) but then, 
Appendix B page 42, in Table 5 the MANdatory column says NO. After that, 
Table 6 on page 57 lists pol_states again among the mandatory fields.
This looks like simply a typo.

#answer : I agree it is a typo --> to mention as  errata

2 - t_refpos
This field is listed in Table 5 (Appendix B) page 41 as an optional one, 
but has no other entry in the specification, e.g. it has no entry in 
Table 7 (Appendix C.2) so that no Utype or UCD is defined for it.
This one looks like a simple forgetfulness.

#answer : as we are considering Time series to be handled by ObsCore for 
discovery,  this reference for the time system has to be re worked.
Feedback from the dm list is welcome for this

3 - units for strings
Table 5 (pagg. 40-43) reports units for the various fields. However it 
defines string-type fields to be unitless except for s_region (no value 
is reported) and proposal_id (which is set as unit=string).

#answer : I agree it is a typo --> to mention as  errata

Your comments welcome . These will be taken into account and discussed 
with author's of the spec in order to feed the Errata page.

The dm list is the place to discuss improvements and errata for IVOA 
Many thanks ,

Mireille Louys

Mireille Louys
CDS  				IPSEO, MIV, Laboratoire Icube
Observatoire de Strasbourg	Telecom Physique Strasbourg
11 rue de l'Université 		300, Bd Sebastien Brandt CS 10413 		
F- 67000-STRASBOURG			F-67412 ILLKIRCH Cedex
tel: +33 3 68 85 24 34

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