Cube/ImageDM - Comments on Observation-Dataset Overview diagram

Louys Mireille mireille.louys at
Tue May 13 09:04:36 PDT 2014

Hi Mark , Arnold,
Hi all,

I also think we should have a discussion on this topic at the next  
Madrid Interop to clarify this.
In the CTA DM , that will be presented at the DM sessions , we have a 
n..m relation between observations (as experiments) and
Obsdatasets( as results).
An Obsdataset seen from ObsCore has only one DataID, and dataproduct_type.
Then we can consider a Chandra tarball to be a bunch of Obsdatasets, 
grouping different related dataproducts .


Le 13/05/2014 16:50, CresitelloDittmar, Mark a écrit :
> Arnold,
> On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 10:03 AM, Arnold Rots <arots at 
> <mailto:arots at>> wrote:
>         Because I don't think ObsDataset is something anyone would
>         instantiate..
>         It must be some "kind" of dataset to be useful,  an
>         ImageDataset, SpectralDataset, or even for
>         the DAL services, the particular QueryResponse.
>     I'm not so sure. An ObsDataset could be a collection of
>     ImageDataset, SpectralDataset, etc.
>     Close to home: the Chandra data distribution tar files are really
>     ObsDatatsets and contain
>     images, spectra, sparse cubes, etc.
>       - Arnold
> This is why it will be important to be very specific about what we 
> mean by "Dataset".
>  In these diagrams, I am interpreting it as 'a result', a single file 
> if you will. The
> 'tar' ball would be a collection of different flavors of <ObsDataset>.
> There has been some discussion on this earlier.  I think it was Pat, 
> who mentioned that he
> has switched to using the term "DataProduct" for a single 'result' 
> file, because it is less
> ambiguous.  However, since Dataset was already in use for these 
> models, I kept the names.
> Mark

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