The magic string (was Re: STC ObservationLocation)

Alasdair Allan aa at
Thu May 25 09:26:13 PDT 2006

Roy Williams wrote:
> There will be a formal request for comment period when STC is a  
> Proposed Recommendation. That is probably the right time to  
> continue this...

The other thing I think needs sorting is the redundant use of the  
"magic string" three times,

<AstroCoordSystem id="UTC-FK5-GEO" xlink:type="simple"  
xlink:href="ivo://STClib/CoordSys#UTC-FK5-GEO/" />
<AstroCoords coord_system_id="UTC-FK5-GEO">

Yes, I know there are schema reasons for this, but there has to be a  
way around it, its just ridiculous to have to throw the same boiler  
plate in three times. It's not elegant. Surely we can default the  
id="" to whatever follows the # in the xlink:href: if no id="" and  
coord_system_id="" is given? We just make the schema looser and put  
this in the documentation. The schema, at least as far as I'm  
concerned, is not the standard, the schema+documentation is the  


PS.  No Roy, I don't want to have the id="" default to "banana"...

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