The magic string (was Re: STC ObservationLocation)

Roy Williams roy at
Thu May 25 10:36:56 PDT 2006

> The other thing I think needs sorting is the redundant use of the  
> "magic string" three times,
> <AstroCoordSystem id="UTC-FK5-GEO" xlink:type="simple"  
> xlink:href="ivo://STClib/CoordSys#UTC-FK5-GEO/" />
> <AstroCoords coord_system_id="UTC-FK5-GEO">


I am not bothered so much with this, it is just syntax, it is like  
learning an irregular verb in a foreign language -- thats just the  
way it is.

Besides it would be difficult to change the STC schema to avoid the  

We can "strongly encourage" in VOEvent that all three strings should  
be the same.

Other users of STC can have their own conventions, perhaps defining  
the IDs called "Frame1" and "Frame2" or some other convention.


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