Expressing 2- and 3-D coordinates

Ray Plante rplante at
Thu Dec 15 09:27:56 PST 2005

Thanks for the reports on the status of software.  I'm personally on the 
fence on this one.  There's a fine line here distinguishing what "doesn't 
support lists".  If you have a parser that simply spits out 
strings, then there is, in principle, an extra step that an application 
would have to go through to turn those strings into values; in that 
respect, lists are just a slightly more complex version of that.  And if 
we think about the general case of rendering vectors (which could be quite 
large and/or numerous), tagging each value is a huge overhead, and we are 
already beginning to see some ill effects when we pass these big XML files 
around.   Nevertheless, I do recognize that not having to tokenize a list 
is simpler for the application developer.  

I'll go out on a limb here and say that the problem of lists would be
mitigated if we had a general STC parser library (or libraries for
different languages), akin to JAVOT/SAVOT (but with some convenient
functions for integrating with external XML parsers).  


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