[QUANTITY] We do need it then. Some quantities

martin hill mchill at dial.pipex.com
Mon Oct 27 16:52:35 PST 2003

Rightio, I think I see where this is going now, cheers all.

What I would like for Christmas is:

* World Co-ordinates (does that count as two quantities which are angles?)
* Brightness (ie flux, magnitudes)

Or are these too high level for discussion at this stage?  


* Wavelength/Frequency
* Quality... perhaps this is not a Quantity...
* Error

.to start with...

These are I suspect 'Use Cases' rather than general requirements though...

Quoting Brian Thomas <thomas at mail630.gsfc.nasa.gov>:

> On Monday 27 October 2003 07:23 pm, martin hill wrote:
> > Having had a nice long bath...  I'm worried that since so many things are
> a
> > quantity, we're going to try and make a model that has to describe so many
> > things.  We're likely to end up with something so general it won't really
> > define anything, or alternatively will restrict the way we describe
> things.
> >
> > How about we look at specifics: Error and Quality will be useful I would
> > think, but also Passband, er... suggestions?  I guess Co-ordinate and
> > Brightness might be a bit ambitious at this stage?
> 	Martin,
> 	Yes, this is a general concern. This is why we are trying to gather	
> 	requirements. The objective is to try to get as much agreement on
> 	specifics as possible. Clearly, we will not all get everything we want
> 	in the model, but some spare intersection of needs is, I think, possible.
> 	So, then, please submit your requirements!
> 			=b.t.

Martin Hill
07901 55 24 66

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