REMINDER - DAL Running Meeting #18 - SODA-next

BONNAREL FRANCOIS francois.bonnarel at
Thu Apr 18 18:51:51 CEST 2024

Dear Mark, all

Le 17/04/2024 à 22:42, CresitelloDittmar, Mark via dal a écrit :
> Hi,
> I'm afraid that I won't be able to attend this meeting (too late/early 
> for me), but I'm excited to see the SODA-next items on the agenda.
> In lieu of my attendance, I'd just like to pass along this statement 
> regarding the connection of these items to the Cube data model.
> Many of the new services are directly connected to the original 
> motivation for working on the Cube model and its subcomponents.
> They are supposed to give the data model support behind the services:
>    * image cutouts in WCS and/or Pixels => Coords and Transforms
>    * dataset metadata transfer => Dataset DM
For the "metadata" feature we can indeed imagine that the serialization 
of datamodels such as datasetDM, transform, CAOM, ProvDM could be 
released (for example using mIVOT on top of a VOtable)

For the data extraction  itself it was already the case in SODA1.0 and 
will be more in SODA1.1 (with resampling for example) that what SODA 
does is actually forcing the response to match some ObsCore 
characterization features.

In other words you are demanding the service to build from the original 
dataset a new dataset which will have 
s_ra,s_dec,s_fov,su_resolution,em_min,em_max,etc.... such and such.

I don't know yet if other datamodels than ObsCore could play the same role



> I would like to make sure there is a component to this project which 
> relates the services and implementations back to the data models to 
> make sure this goal is satisfied.
> It also ties into the discussion for the Joint session at the interop...
>    * how will the implementations tag the information in the query and 
> response to the application.. associating the interface arguments with 
> the model elements.?
> Let me know how we can help!
> Mark
> On Wed, Apr 17, 2024 at 8:30 AM Grégory Mantelet via dal 
> <dal at> wrote:
>     Dear DAL members,
>     Here is a reminder for the next DAL running meeting /tomorrow
>     morning/ (18th April 2024 - 5:00 AM UTC) on Zoom (see below).
>     See you tomorrow,
>     Grégory Mantelet & James Dempsey
>     On 27/03/2024 14:47, Grégory Mantelet wrote:
>>     Dear DAL members,
>>     Here is an announcement for a new DAL Running Meeting.
>>     This time, the topic is SODA-next, followed by some other
>>     thoughts about DAP(SIA), DataLink implementation and ProvTAP.
>>         *Date    :* 18^th April 2024
>>         *Time    : *5:00 AM UTC /(7:00 AM CET (Paris), 3:00 PM AEDT
>>         (Canberra), 10:00 PM PDT (Vancouver))/
>>         *Duration:* 1 jour
>>         *Location:
>>         *
>>         /*Meeting ID:* 967 2230 7540/
>>         /*Passcode :* FbjtF3/
>>     *Etherpad:*
>>     <>
>>     Cheers,
>>     Grégory Mantelet & James Dempsey
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